The Vision
UCA is celebrating 100 years! Since 1921 Upper Columbia Academy has been producing world class leaders—leaders for the church, healthcare, education, and business. Today we have approximately 6000 living alumni encircling the globe, igniting the world with Jesus’ love. Now, in this 21st century, our world needs great leaders as never before. This is no time to rest on our laurels. Our mission is as vital now as it was in the beginning. But currently UCA is caught in an interim between two paradigms. It is time to solve the affordability issue, once and for all, and to empower UCA to reach the highest levels of service.
Our $15 million goal not only impacts UCA and its students. As students go forth and continue the teaching and healing ministry of Jesus, the whole world is enlightened!
Igniting the World Budget
Total Education for 21st Century
Total Vital Campus Enhancements
Total Student Aid in Perpetuity
Grand Total: $14,967,000

Education for the 21st century
Year 1
Year 2
Year 3
“The challenges now facing our
Adventist educational system
are real and urgent.
So I have been delighted to see both the creativity of Upper Columbia Academy leadership and the remarkable degree of alumni support for my own alma mater. Their campus programming retains an emphasis on productive work skills, undergirded by the strong spiritual foundation that has always distinguished UCA. We need this proven model of life changing, residential education, together with robust endowments, to keep our school unique and sustainable. And now the integration of FoundationONE’s successful fundraising combined with a debt amortization commitment from the Upper Columbia Conference has brought a permanent solution within reach. I urge you to join Judy and me in bringing this dream to reality.”
— Richard Hart, ’62, MD, DrPH
President, Loma Linda University Health
Honorary Chair, Igniting the World Campaign

“We didn’t just go to school here, we grew up here.” – Joanna Nelson, ‘88
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Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more. Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more.
Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more. Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more.
Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more. Change the color to match your brand or vision, add your logo, choose the perfect layout, modify menu settings, add animations, add shape dividers, increase engagement with call to action and more.